Useful python help command

help( )  : command is used to get details of function or statement from python inbuild library. Eg .                print

help(' ')  : To get information about operators . Eg . return

To get info about the variable used ,  import the module and get help

eg . import math

a = 4


to get the type of the variable use : type ( ) . Eg type(a)

To get a reverse of a line from a file

f = open('word.txt')
while True:
line = f.readline()
if len(line) == 0:
print line[::-1]


Its Easy to install Fedora 14 along with Windows as a dual OS.

Click on the default buttons untill the installation type  screen appears .

-> After choose  Shrink Current System option .

->Or choose Replace Existing Linux System option. [Note: If a linux OS previously installed this method removes it.


By Choosing this we need not create partions of it. After selecting the option click the default buttons which enable us to complete the fedora installation.

To Find Palindrome or Not

x = raw_input("enter the word to test palindrome:")

a = x[::-1]

if x==a :
print("The word is palindrome")


print("The word is not a palindrome")

Keyboard Shortcuts : Linux

to see the contents of the current location through terminal : ls

to change the directory : cd (destination name)

also can use to change the directory  : cd {space}{tab}

to locate a file with space in its name use \ then press the number of space used and then the name of file : eg python\ prog

to exit from terminal : ctrl+shift+d

to exit from current location : ctrl+d

to open editor in terminal : vi or vim with the name of the file .

: to execute given extention , eg like py.

to quit editor  :  esc  : q

to save             : esc :w

to quit and save : esc :wq

To convert to celcius of farenheit.

x = int(raw_input("enter the value to be converted :"))

thevalue = raw_input('c or f')

if thevalue == 'f':

print 'f == %d' % (9/5*(x+32))

elif thevalue == 'c':

print 'c == %d' % (5/9*(x-32))

How to install Django in virtual environment at fedora !

sudo easy_install python : To get the python packages

easy_install virtualenv   : To install the virtual environment

source bin/activate : To activate the virtual environment.

sudo wget : To download the Django in the virtual environment

tar xzvf Django-1.3.tar.gz  : to remove the tar file

cd Django-1.3 : to change the directory

sudo python install : the install destination

To check Django is installed !

To check Django is installed or not !

use the command :

import django

print django.get_version()


(the version been installed eg ;-) 1.25